Tag Archives: baking

Ultra gooey chocolate beetroot brownies

Beetroot brownies

Beetroot brownies

When I worked near Borough Market, every Friday was brownie day and I devoured an obscene amount of brownies in my quest to determine which stall sold the best. They were judged purely on taste and sheer eating pleasure, although it was very tempting to take the size into account ­­as some of them were ginormous slabs, the size of books.

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Lemon & cardamon drizzle cake

lemon drizzle cake

This heavenly cake is taken from Lucas Hollweg’s Good Things To Eat book. He has a very easy, approachable style and straight-forward utterly delicious recipes so it’s definitely a book that will get dog-eared and stained through regular use. This cake has a moist, crumbly texture with a tart lemon and subtle cardamom back-note. Continue reading